ya kelas 3 sudah di depan mata, sudah cukupkah aku persiapan kali ini menghadapi UN yang aku gak bisa melihatnya sebelah mata"said not at all". Waktu kemaren UN SMP bisa dibilang ya persiapannya ibarat telor setengah mateng,tetep bisa dimakan namun dalemnya masih agak mentah, pengalaman UN SMP kemarin sangat bisa sekali dijadikan acuan dan motivasi kedepannya. Well its not what im trying to say this time, kali ini aku mau curhat sebelum menginjak kelas 3 dan kejadian yg terjadi kemarin kemarin,just go to start it!
i had thought about this changes before, along time i should predict it and never let it passed, i've known if im facing a lot champions and given apreciation tobe representative and never wanna let it down and just performing mu best i can. ive tried at achievement student but fail, chemistry couple times but fail too.im almost despair but last changes its really at least ill try. Also another topic, im quite confused having such as friend as him, i was so kind and really wanna helped him when its first but always let me down and insulting me by utterance, should i forgive him?course not,he didnt even asked me to forgive,he just apologized time when he did mistake,non sense! now its all up to u,but its all in my hand.
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